Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19, 2025
10:00 a.m. Bayside Park
10:00 a.m. Bayside Park
Come join the Easter Bunny for a great egg hunt. Bring a bag or basket to put your eggs and goodies in. Please dress appropriately because you never know what Vermont’s weather has in store for us.
Please park your vehicles at Colchester High School and enter the park by the softball field road off Laker Lane. Children will be separated by age groups to hunt for eggs in different areas of Bayside Park. Ages 4 and under will be at Lower Bayside Park. Ages 5 through 8 will be at Upper Bayside Park. Don’t miss this great event!
Colchester Lions Club will be hosting a food drive for the Colchester Community Food Shelf at the Easter Egg hunt. We are requesting that all participants bring at least one non-perishable or canned item to the hunt.